Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Finally it feels spring and even my choice for fabric has been influenced by the season that is trying to set in. The buds are just beginning to grow on tips of every tree.
I contracted a throat infection from work while doing this project due to lack of proper rest and enough sleep. I get sneezed at, coughed at and breathed at in my workplace so you can picture the rest. On Wednesday night, I got home at 10:30pm due to crazy train schedule when I was homebound. Then on Thursday afternoon, I found this floral fabric in a small store near my workplace, that has automatically become my tiny piece of heaven for fabrics. =) I went home and went crazy making this dress causing me to sleep late again.
Friday---my body complained the whole day with chills!
I never picked up the dress to finish. I still want to live!
I was in bed the whole Friday after work for energy the next day. My LAA had something very important to do so JB was with me in school. We dropped by MACYS flower show.